Tarot Cards in Psychotherapy, Irina Solovyova "Using the Tarot Court Cards in Psychotherapy: Male and Female Archetypal Images"
EXCERPT 4.1.2. The “Who Do I Think I Am?” Exercise: The Conscious Image of the Self.
The “Who Do I Think I Am?” Exercise.
Goal: Diagnosis of the image of the Self, the conscious level of identification. The part of the personality you are in contact with.
Method: four queens from a deck of cards are placed in front of the woman – the Queen of Cups, the Queen of Wands, the Queen of Pentacles and the Queen of Swords. The man is dealt 12 cards featuring male characters (four pages, four knights and four kings).
Instructions: study the four pictures carefully. Which picture do you like the most? The method or reasons you used to choose the card are not important (the face, posture, clothing, a specific part of the drawing, etc.). The main thing is to choose a card – the card with the picture that you like the best. If you like two cards, try to pick one of them. Put the rest of the card to one side.
Diagnosis: the card that you have chosen represents your conscious level of identification. It is the way you see yourself; you strive to show these qualities.
The Queen of Cups. You are a woman in the fullest sense of the word, and this is the most important thing for you right now. You are actively discovering and developing the basic female characteristics of love, sexuality and femininity. It is important for you to be feminine, and to be recognized as such. Your attractiveness as a woman is extremely important for you during this period.
You care about your appearance and strive to be desired. The impression you make as a woman matters to you. You put love relationship above everything else – growing as a person, your career, professional development and motherhood are all of secondary importance to you. How you spend your free time is also important to you, what you do to relax and for fun. There is not enough fun and enjoyment in your life.
You consider yourself to be feminine, sexual and emotional. You freely give yourself over to so-called “feminine weaknesses”: mood swings, emotional outbursts, and even caprices… You do not aspire to new achievements and conquests. You live in the moment. Your current goals are on developing personal relationships. If you are in a relationship at the moment, then relations with this person will continue to progress. If you are not in a relationship, you are actively looking for one.
You know how to use your sexuality to influence (manipulate) people. You prefer to look for the support and protection of a man rather than to count on yourself. You are very deliberate in how you show your emotions, your sexuality, sensuality and femininity. Desire and emotions are a stronger argument for you than logic and rationality – the typical woman’s “I want,” which is the strongest argument in an argument with a woman.
The Queen of Wands. You consider yourself to be creative, a professional. You are the kind of person that others call “deep”. You are focused on self-development, learning more about yourself and about the world, and at a deep level – you are interested in the essence of things. You see yourself as an individual of great depth with a keen sense of intuition. You strive to develop your intuition and trust what it tells you.
You most likely have an interest in deep subjects – the occult, esotericism, psychology, philosophy, etc.
You do not lack confidence. You are well grounded. You primarily rely on yourself, on the intuition and gut feelings. You trust your instincts and what you see in your dreams, and you are able to interpret them. And you use your intuition to benefit others as well as yourself, most often family members and those who are close to you. You may have access to something bigger, and you might consider yourself to possess psychic powers, which you try to develop.
You believe that you are at a stage of self-discovery, development and self-reliance in your life. It is the time for you to make contact with your Unconscious, to master your abilities, talents and gifts.
The Queen of Pentacles. You see yourself as the “little lady of the big house.” You consciously strive towards the home. The image of the woman as the keeper of the hearth is important to you, regardless of whether this is the family hearth or not. Social activities and achievements have become of secondary importance to you.
You are “remodelling” the space around you, “making the nest,” as it were. Motherhood is extremely important to you: if you have children, you thoroughly committed to them. If you do not, then having children is a major goal. You see yourself as a caring friend and member of the family… In general, you love looking after other people, fulfilling your maternal instinct any way you can.
You put all your energy into home improvement. Outside the home, you are rather passive in social situations. It is a time of saving, of conserving your energy, of symbolic “pregnancy” and the brining of something new. Right now you are making plans, but you aren’t doing anything. The most important things for you are peace of mind, balance, harmony and stability. You strive towards peace and tranquillity.
The Queen of Swords. You see this period of your life as the active search for solutions to complex problems. In your eyes, you are a female warrior, an Amazon. Freestanding, independent, self-sufficient, and able to stand up for yourself. A loner, even when you are in a relationship.
You consider yourself to be a woman of action, but you do not go in blindly: you value your intelligence, your ability to reason, plan, organize, and draw conclusions… You are a very mental person, and you typically do not pay much heed to your feelings. Sometimes you deliberately act aggressively, pushing your way to the front.
The most important thing for you right now is social development, promotion, results – whether it be in terms of your career, official recognition or money… You see yourself as focused, calm and collected, capable of achieving everything you want to achieve. You try to develop your mind, which you value very much. Your strengths are strategic thinking and planning. You know how to set yourself goals and then achieve them.
You can be aggressive at times, but only when you allow yourself to be so. What is important for you right now is power, control and recognition of your status. It is possible that there is a certain anxiety behind all of this, a realization that deep down you are not a very confident person…